Period Pain Tablets - 5 Reason To Use CBD During Your Menstrual Cycle

Period Pain Tablets - 5 Reason To Use CBD During Your Menstrual Cycle


We know what you are thinking, do period pain tablets even exist? The short answer is no, however, what is usually described as period pain tablets are generally your average over the counter painkillers like nurofen and paracetamol.


Whilst these may work for some, the relief can be short lived and most importantly, unnatural - the last thing you want to do whilst on your period is add artificial hormones boosters in the mix.


CBD has been used for pain relief for years, through interacting with the brain and blocking pain signals which make us feel pain. We believe CBD will be the natural remedy of choice to help women ease period pain in the near future - in anticipation, we have provided 5 reasons as to why this should be the preferred choice when dealing with period cramps and pains.



This article would be totally irrelevant if CBD did not help deal with period pains. As CBD has great anti inflammatory properties and helps reduce pain, it makes it a perfect remedy for dealing with menstrual pains and a little more serious conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease. Period pains are caused by contraction in the lining of the uterus. As CBD helps relax muscles, this could play a part in reducing feeling of contractions, and a painful period as a whole.



Extracted from the hemp plant, CBD is a natural painkiller. As period pain tablets (pain killers) may work for period pain relief, as they are unnatural, they may cause side effects in the body. This can be anything from nausea, to vomiting, diarrhoea and more. Our bodies also have natural receptors which are ready to receive CBD, which will create overall balance in our bodies, leading on to our next benefit.



Homeostasis is the process of self regulation in the body to create balance. An example of this would be our body’s temperature. Many factors can affect our body’s temperature, which usually sits around 37 degrees Celsius, however , a part of our brains called the hypothalamus is responsible for regulating and maintaining this level no matter our surroundings. 

CBD encourages receptors to work more efficiently. One receptor that CBD affects which will positively impact menstruation is the serotonin receptor. Serotonin is the receptor responsible for regulating mood and enhancing the feeling of happiness, as well as managing pain and nausea. 

CBD activates this receptor which will help reduce pain and lift mood - two things that will help have a better period experience and ease your symptoms.

period pain tablets



CBD can be used to help during menstruation cycles in many different ways.

Oral consumption

CBD can be taken in teas, gummies, in foods or directly under the tongue using CBD oil droppers. There are many ways to get CBD into your system orally and it can be quite fun to experiment and find new ways that enhance your overall experience of taking CBD orally.


This will usually be in the form of oils, balms and strips. Oils and balms can be applied directly on top of pain areas to directly reduce pain in the area applied. For period pains, there are also patches which can be applied on the stomach to help ease the pain. Warm baths are also a remedy that many have used to help with period pains, a remedy that can also be upgraded with the use of a CBD bath bomb which will infuse bath water with CBD.


Lastly, a direct application through the use of tampons can be preferred for those who are regular users of tampons. The tampons are usually coated in CBD which will get to work once inserted, reducing pain and nausea through the day.

 period pain tablets


As previously discussed, CBD not only helps with period pains but can also help lift mood and enhance the feeling of happiness. During menstruation, hormones can send your mood in different directions throughout the cycle. When using CBD for periods, it can help regulate mood with a boost of serotonin, helping to produce happy chemicals in the body, as well as reduce the feeling of pain. Period pain tablets may be able to help with pain, but will not be able to help your mood too. CBD is a multi purpose remedy which tackles multiple issues in one dose, creating a better experience overall.



The concept of period pain tablets is interesting. We feel this is an area that has been left neglected for a long time and has been serviced which half baked remedies which usually cause another issue whilst attempting to fix one. The natural benefits that CBD provides for the body are not only amazing for maintaining regular health, but also tackle some of the worst parts about period pains. That being said, we believe that alternative treatments for period pains such as CBD should be the preferred choice or at least considered, when looking for ways to make that time of the month a better experience.

If you have tried CBD and are continuing to have severe pains, we would urge you to seek local medical advice.

Check out our store for gummies and oils which will help you during your next menstruation cycle and replace or aid that water bottle of yours.

cbd gummies for pain

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